About me

HI, I'm Debi

First and foremost, I love a travel adventure. It is wonderful to experience new cultures, explore different parts of the country, try new things (like dog sledding, rappel off a cliff, a shark dive), and meeting wonderful people along the way.

Travel recharges my energy and boosts my positivity. I am the glass is half full kind of gal.

Perhaps growing up as an Air Force brat has something to do with my wanderlust. I was born in the Philippines and went to ten different schools by the time I graduated high school. I have lived in Germany, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, Florida, Texas, Montana, & Mississippi and now I have landed in a place I love, Fort Collins, Colorado. My husband and I hike as much as possible.

And yes, people in Colorado keep telling me I have a southern accent.

I love to laugh and listen to classic rock. Most of all, I love my husband and children (all five of them).

And at the end of the day I like a glass of wine and dark chocolate. The glass of wine is always full.

My goal

Let me share some of my adventures with you. They’re fun and exciting and no telling where I’ll take you next.

FOLLOW MY BLOG so you don’t miss any of my updates, including guest post from other travelers like myself.

One of the things I’ve noticed as I travel is many of you are avid readers. And most of you  travel with either print books, audiobooks or an eReader such as Kindle or Nook. Reading fiction is a great way to enhance your vacation getaway.

As it turns out, my husband and I are also authors of thrillers, suspense and mystery. Please take a moment to check us and our books out by clicking on our photos below: